Ballroom With A Twist


Where : TCU Place Saskatoon
When: October 14th, 2010
Time: 7:30pm
Why: Because we're in it!!!!!

It's this much fun.....

And just a little work....

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October 29, 2009

Dancing is a Feeling

I know that there is a lot of technical knowledge that goes into dancing. There are so many small nuances that come into play to make a dance look effortless. There is so much to learn, that I know that I will never know it all. But I feel it.

What I love about dancing is when the music sweeps me away. I love to feel the music in my bones and just go where it takes me. Of course, I love the fact that I've learned a little throughout my dance years at Dance Dynamics. But when it comes right down to it, I must feel it to enjoy it.

I got bogged down with details several years ago. There was so much clutter in my mind, that I didn't hear the music any more. I went to a wedding dance in the midst of this chaotic time in my mind and for the first time in a very long time, I felt the music speaking to my soul. And I danced.

After a short hiatus from dancing, I returned. I am swept up in the music, the excitement, the people and learning process once again. I was thoroughly enjoying my private lessons but it wasn't until I took the frightening step back into the group classes that the excitement levels returned.

The group classes are out of my comfort zone. I'm learning new things in a group setting. I'm more responsible for knowing my own part. I'm dancing with different partners throughout the lesson. Some things are harder to learn than others and there isn't the opportunity for the one on one instruction. But ... I am in a room full of people who are there for the same reason that I am. They love to dance and they want to learn.

The mixture of learning, dancing and being around people is the perfect mix for me. Stepping out of my comfort zone is important.No matter what is being taught in a group class, there is always one thing that every person can usually take way from it. No matter how overwhelming the class may feel at the time, if you have learned a new dance, a new pattern or a new technique ... you have succeeded.

March 16, 2009

Group Class is a Happening Event!

It is great to be back in the habit of attending Thursday night group classes. I'm starting to feel like a 'regular' again and I'm enjoying seeing more new students coming to check it out.

This past Thursday, I met a couple that had danced at U of S. Then they took some of Herb's Friday night group classes and now they take private lessons at Dance Dynamics.

They usually have a Thursday night commitment so haven't come to the Thursday group class before. But last Thursday, their meeting was cancelled and they decided to come. As I talked to them as they were leaving, they had a wonderful time and were considering coming to the upcoming dance at the studio. They said they just may skip their meeting so they can attend.

I met another new student that hadn't started her private lessons yet, but has come to the past few Thursday group classes. She has a dance background and is an eager learner and dancer. I always enjoy being around new students and absorbing some of that 'energy' that they exude.

It's always a comfort to see the familiar faces. It's nice to see that Thursday group classes are worth going back to each week.

January 1, 2009

Dynamics of Dance

In the world of dance there is grace, poise, elegance, and beauty. This, however, is only half the picture. To achieve these lofty goals one sometimes goes through sore feet and back, pulled muscles, injured knees and shoulders, not to overlook a general feeling of awkwardness or exasperation.With this column I hope to lighten the trauma and help pave (or parquet) the way to tripping the light fantastic, rather than simply tripping.

Let’s begin from the ground up and talk about footwear. Dance shoes for ladies (as in the real world) vary greatly in style, colour, fabric, length, width, and heel height. The first three are decided based on personal taste. The correct length for you should be left up to someone in the know if you’re still new to this sport. With court shoes (pumps) make sure there is enough room for the toes. The arch of your shoe must also be long enough for your foot. With the latin sandal the dancer’s toes should cover the end of the shoe or even overhang by an eighth of an inch. Please confirm when ordering shoes that you state your English, German, or Canadian Size - this will save return postage and reordering time. For the men who like to wear a very loose, comfortable shoe remember this: the court jester look is out of date. Your foot should reach the end of the shoe with a thin sock without having the toes pushed back.

Width is very important. The shoes for men and women are available in many widths. By making sure that your shoes are snug you will increase the life of the shoe and the support it will give you. Wearing your shoes too tight can damage your feet and worse yet, ruin your evening.

Heel height in a man’s shoe is decided by personal taste and what you intend to demand of it. One inch for smooth and an optional one and a half inches for latin. For the ladies, however, the all perplexing choice is not so simple. The truth is that high heels are not as bad for your back (if it’s healthy) as bad posture. If you have bad posture, heels will intensify the problem and should be avoided. The truth is that heels can be bad for your feet by increasing the pressure on the ball of the foot as the heel gets taller. Fashion trends and vanity have a way of making fools of us all at times.

This brings me to my pet peeve. When I go skiing I don’t get all suited up so that after an hour or so I can kick off my skis and take to the rest of the runs. The same goes for ball players and their gloves, golfers and their clubs, and even includes my brother at a banquet with his dentures. Why then do we see people tossing their shoes past innocent dancers (with audible sighs of relief) into corners of the room? These same people then spend the balance of the evening dancing on their toes, complaining about how slippery the floor is and commenting on how “classy” the whole event has been.

Dance shoes are the tools of our trade, offering good support and years of wear. A little research will pay off in style, comfort, and safety.